Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Miss You...

I am pretty sure that I can survive the next few months of this journey.  I've made it five and a half thus far.  But our latest challenge has been the fact that communications are down.  Anyone who is in a marriage knows the importance of communication.  I can  deal with the stress of not knowing what he is doing, as long as there are no phone calls or knocks at the door.  I can deal with the stress of living like a single mom, and doing everything I can to get my family through this in one piece.  I can even deal with being very lonely.   What I have a harder time with is not hearing his voice.   He is everything a husband should be, including an assuring presence in my life, even when he is not physically here.  These past eleven days have been the slowest of the entire deployment.  I pray to hear his voice, and I am thankful that God is watching over us both, and knows things that I do not know.    It is a mystery to me how wives dealt with these absences before technology.  Military wives of the past are now my heroes.  How tough would you have to be to go months without knowing the status of your most beloved?  I cannot fathom it.  In light of recent tragedies, I realize that I am lucky every day that we are here, loving and missing one another.  But the day my best friend comes home is going to be the most welcome, most exciting-and at the same time-calming, day of my life.