Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Truth as Some People Know It

Today I heard of someone ministering to a teenage boy who had literally never heard the name Jesus.   It broke my heart. 
I realize that in this day and age people believe many different things.  With every fiber of my being I know that this is because God gives us all the free will to choose.   
The thing is, more and more people do not tell anyone about their beliefs in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And if you know it and believe it, this is unacceptable.   How can anyone make a decision for Christ if they have no idea who He was (IS)?   For anyone reading this who does not believe,  I am not sorry for what I do believe.  We live in a country where it is ok to think and say and believe what you want. 
But if you are looking for the Love the you can't find in any person or thing, seek a relationship with God.  And if you want to know the story of Jesus Christ's sacrifice, I will be glad to tell it, because many years ago, more than one someone took the time to share it with me.