Sunday, March 21, 2021

Season of Change

 Spring break is coming to an end. I always have mixed feelings at the end of a break because I miss those kiddos, but I also enjoy my free time (aka naps). This year is different. The next two months will see all of us waiting on word about new teaching positions as our beloved TMS is closing. I'm praying for all these incredible people I work with, and I'm hoping we make a ton of priceless memories as the school year winds down. The next two months also end my daughter's high school journey. Graduation is 2 months from today! I am not capable of adequately expressing how this feels, as she skipped her sophomore year and Covid took a huge bite out of junior year and "normal" senior things. It has been a bittersweet time to say the least. Again, I'm praying for tons of great memories to end the year. Lastly, Brandon is waiting on orders right now. This can be especially nerve-wracking because of my job. The idea of moving in the middle of a teaching year is scary, but the idea of not teaching is actually devastating. What else would I do with my time? I have considered graduate school, and I'm still studying for the LSAT, but I can't even fathom planning that next step before Noah's first year of college is fully funded and we are settled in our new home. It's. A. Lot. So, now that spring break is over, I ask for prayers in the season of waiting and inevitable change. These are never easy things on a mama, but I am breathing, counting so many blessings, and believing for amazing things.

 #grateful #hurryupandwait #seriouslysograteful